Film Photography Malaysia, Photos & Reviews

If you're passionate about film photography in Malaysia, this section is your go-to source for tips, inspiration, and reviews. Find everything related to film photography including test shot photos, experiments, street photo walk, portraits on film, guides, projects and film camera reviews.


Kodak Gold 200 Film Street Photography Georgetown Penang
Contax G1, Kodak Gold 200 // Georgetown, Penang - October 2024

Latest 35mm Film Posts

Contax G1 Premium Rangefinder Film Camera Review

It has always been my dream to own a Contax film camera, and I did a lot of research on the premium Contax G1 before ordering it online....

Kodak Vision3 500T 35mm Film Test on Yashica Film Camera

I was very excited to try out the Kodak Vision3 500T film bulk rolled by Darkroom8, a photo studio in Kuala Lumpur, and the results are now here....

Pushing Ilford HP5 Plus 35mm Film, Shot with the Yashica Film Camera

This is my first roll of Ilford HP5 Plus black and white 35mm film stock, shot with my 1973 Yashica Electro 35 GTN rangefinder camera....

Kodak ColorPlus 200 Photos Series #1 – Travel & Portraits on Film

As I get more opportunities for road trips, I’m able to get some nice Kodak ColorPlus 200 photos with my Yashica Electro 35 GTN on my recent road trip in Malaysia. I have a few film...

Kodak Portra 400 Film: Best Film Overexpose Technique

It was fun to shoot a film on my Yashica Electro 35 GTN film camera and this post is all about how to use the overexpose technique and develop it at box speed. I was doing...

First Roll of Kodak Portra 400 on Yashica Film Camera

Finally, I have finished my first roll of the Kodak Portra 400 35mm film shot on my Yashica Electro 35 GTN. I shot a few portraits and also street photography during the Chinatown free walk tour....

Yashica Electro 35 GTN Film Camera Review

The Poor Man’s Leica, Classic Rangefinder Film Camera This is the first Yashica vintage viewfinder 35mm film camera I’ve ever owned, also known as Spiderman’s camera. since I started the photography blog section, I will be...

2025 Kickstarter
Frame It, Spin It, Love It

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Ready to elevate your photography and music experience? Explore our curated selection of premium camera gear and vinyl records. From high-quality tripods to must-have record players, find everything you need to capture moments and enjoy your favorite tunes. Click below to dive into our collection!